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as PhysLite Partner

Dedecate to improve the welfare of fowls in poultry farm

Farmer, Veterinary, Zoologist, Lighting Specialist or Salesman

PhysLite provides a platform for you to voice your viewpoint, demonstrate your genius and make your dream come true for any effort in pursuit of improvement of welfare of fowls in poultry farm, including but not limited to influence of light on fowls in terms of  biology, pathology as well as body growth under different lighting recipes.


Here’s What You’ll Get When You Are PhysLite Partner

You will get support by PhysLite Walfare Fund for your program after you become PhysLite Partner, whoever for PhysLite Poultry Farm Partner, PhysLite Academic Partner, PhysLite Tech Partner or PhysLite Business Partner.

PhysLite Poultry Farm Partner

You are entitled to get a free installation of Tetrachromat Lighting Program funded by PhysLite Welfare Fund.

PhysLite Tech Partner

You are entitled to get full funded by PhysLite Welfare Fund for any Tech Project related to welfare improvement of fowls under tetrachromat lighting enviorenment.

PhysLite Academic Partner

You are entitled to get a target academic project partial or full funded by PhysLite Welfare Fund.

PhysLite Business Partner

Any PhysLite Business Partner salesman is entitled to get fully trained in tetrachromat lighting technology as well as the impact of light on fowls' physiology, pathology and body development. She/He will also get special appreciation when contribution to welfare improvement of fowls recognized. 

How to become a PhysLite Partner?

Firstly press the below Join Now button and sign up an application.

Hello, PhysLite Partner

I am expecting to seeing you soon in PhysLite Team, dedicating in exploring new ideas, identifying new finding, creating new method and developing new technology in pursuit of improvement of welfare of fowls in poultry, in order to make sure the fowls living happily in poultry farm in healthy condition as well as boost the productivity of poultry.
