A Pro Poultry Welfare Tetrachromat Light

The most comfortable light for poultry to live and grow healthly, the smart choice for poultry farms to apply for boosting the productivity and profits, how to achieve your target? 

Product Benefits

Provide a comfortable lighting enviorenment to fowls to live, help boost the poultry production with more profit to farmer.

Fowls enjoy it naturally

Not like Human fowls are tetrachromatic and they prefer different light recipe in different life cycle, such as red light is preferred in mature stage for active sexual activities.

The hormone level adjusted

Specific hormone will promote the development and growth of specific organs of fowls, like narrow blue light increases growth at the later age of pullet   by elevating plasma androgens.

Increase farmers output

Both broilers and layers or breeders will grow heathly in a comfortable lighting enviorenment with less morbidity of diseases, stronger skeleton with more muscles, more eggs laiden or healthier pullets borne.

Physlite office US

About PhysLite

PhysLite commits to delivering a pro poultry welfare tetrachromat lighting program to provide a natural like lighting enviorenment to poultry in barn to raise up their welfare, as well as to boost the poultry production and profits...

Happy customers

Owner Poultry farm

Abel Chen


My customer Li Ming from a broiler farm North China, tells me  his fowls have higher morbidity rate of rickret after using my feeding recipe. Thank God that PhysLite provide a Tetrachromat Lighting Program help Li Ming resolve his issue very soon.

Coccidiosis is one of the most expensive broiler diseases and I find out tetrachromat lighting program did lower the morbidity rate, probably with a reason by raising up the immunobility of fowls. That is why these fowls under terachromat lighting program have fewer other diseases.


Jessica Helender


Rizal  Sormin


Layer Farm

My twenty thousand hens in the barn usually have a mortility rate of 20% before PhysLite lighting program set up and currently it drops to 5%, and also egg lay rate increases from 35% up to 80% with application of tetrachromat lighting program and other extra messure on inveironment control and improved feeding recipe.

PhysLite ligting program works with both low voltage and high voltage power supplied with diversitied structures for ceiling mounted, pendant or cage mounted, it is most convenient for me to integrate it with our cage and ventillation system.

John Dunkan


HT Equipement


5 Years Guarantee

What Are You Looking For? 

PhysLite offers A Pro Poultry Welfare Tetrachomat Lighting Program to any poultry farm at absolutely NO RISK with our 5-years Total Quality Guarantee.


What is Tetrachromat?

Tetrachromat refers to any organism who can sense four colors in their retinal membrane of eyes or any photo receptor other than human being like bird, fish, amphibian and retile.

What make Tetrachomat Lighting program different from others?

To deliver a natural lighting enviorenment for Tetrachomates PhysLite develops the Tetrachromat Lighting Program that can control and deliver suitable lighting recipe to tetrachomates to live happily with combination of intensity, spectrum, photoperiod and interruption cycle.

Why do we need tetrachromatic spectrum control in poultry farm?

During different stage the life span of fowls, specific tetrachromat lighting recipe will help fowls focusing the growth of certain biological organs or system, like early stage of pullet focusing on the growth of vital organs such as heart, eye, stomach etc. when longer photo period, more red spectrum and shorter dark period. Therefore, PhysLite offers a perfect lighting system for poultry farm to independantly control each spectrum at any time frame with dimmable lighting output for any recipe needed. 

What is the different for lighting system of low voltage and high voltage?

All modern lighting systems apply LED technology as it costs much less energy, and provide excellent light output compared to traditional old lighting systems. However, LED needs a driver to ignite the LED chips. Some LED makers do include a driver on the circuit of LED fixture that can work directly with residental power supply like 120V in US or 220V in China. Other LED without driver included does need a power adapter or driver or transformer to work with residental power supply. The latter design is call low voltage LED fixture while the former one called high voltage LED fixtures. 

Is PhysLite working with low voltage?

PhysLite lighting fixtures do include both designs with SFI series for 48V low voltage power supply and SFII for high voltage 120V or 220V power supply.

What product assortment does PhysLite has?

In view of power supply, PhysLite lighting fixtures include two catergoies SFI for 48V low voltage power supply while SFII for high voltage power supply at 120V or 220V. PhysLite fixtures at both catergories need to work with Tetrachomat Control System to deliver customized tetrachromat lighting recipes for different stages of life cycle of fowls.

Might I just use PhysLite fixture to upgrade my farm?

Yes, definately. PhysLite fixtues can be applied to any poultry farm with old lighting system to suitable upgrade to enjoy the tetrachromat lighting recipe. 

Do I need to upgrade all my wiring system to set up the Tetrachromat Lighting System from PhysLite?

No, PhysLite fixtures provide lots of option for different poultry farms to upgrade their lighting system, by just upgrading the fixtures with or without the Tetrachromat Lighting Control System.
